It’s that time again when people are thinking ahead and making resolutions for the New Year. Rather than making resolutions, why not set goals for yourself? The team at
ABC Auto Van & RV Rental has put together a list of goals to inspire you and to get you started so you can make 2018 your most adventurous yet. Whether you decide to drive to your hometown for a holiday weekend or spend the summer in an
RV rental crisscrossing the country, setting goals will help you turn your dreams into reality.

10 Ideas to Inspire a More Adventurous New Year
- Travel more – locally, within the US, or internationally.
- Make time for family – sit down for dinner together, plan a road trip together, spend the summer exploring in your RV, drive out to see your mom.
- Try something new – go geocaching, learn to paddleboard, go camping.
- Reconnect with old friends – plan a games night, pile the kids into a rental van and head to your hometown, or organize a weekend away to catch up.
- Try something that scares you – join a choir, jump out of an airplane, go whitewater rafting.
- Learn a new skill – learn to build a fire, bake bread, or master backing the motorhome into a treed campsite along the lake.
- Contribute to your community – engage in random acts of kindness, coach a sports’ team, participate in the Great American Cleanup.
- Relax – read, rest, and enjoy the open road in an RV, unwind under a starry sky.
- Make memories – live in the moment surrounded by those who are important to you.
- Let the world inspire you.
Does anything on our list speak to you? How will you prioritize your goals this year? If you’re ready to hit the road in an RV rental or a
car rental, be sure to contact the friendly professionals at ABC Auto Van & RV Rental in Fort Wayne. To learn more about our van, car, motorhome, and
popup camper rentals,
contact us at
(800) 862-1474,
request a quote online.
Photo credit: Josh Willink via